Friday, July 20, 2018

What’s Your Reading Pleasure by Shana Galen

What’s Your Reading Pleasure?

The one thing all of us have in common is reading. No matter how busy I am, I try to take some time to read every day. Most of the time, I can fit about a half hour in. Sometimes I can manage an hour. Sometimes I have to wait in the doctor’s office or have my hair cut, and then I can really carve out some reading time. Yes, I am one of those people.

Since I don’t have much time to read, I don’t have a favorite place to read. I can and will read anywhere. My husband doesn’t read much and likes to watch sports, so I often read in my bedroom, just because it’s quiet and I can concentrate. The problem with reading in bed is I usually fall asleep. I probably get more reading done at my daughter’s after-school activities. I always bring a book to gymnastics and ballet and find I can keep up with both the plot and the lesson for the day.

I’m surprised I don’t see more moms reading while waiting for ballet to get out. Scrolling through one’s phone seems the most popular option. Maybe they’re reading on their phone? I have all the bookstore apps on mine and always have a digital book ready to read at a moment’s notice.

I’m often asked in interviews about what I need before I can start writing. I know some authors will say things like a vanilla scented candle, soft music, and a cup of exotic tea. If I waited for any certain element, other than my computer, to be present, I’d never write a word. I’ve been known to sit in the hallway outside my daughter’s preschool class and finish up a scene. If I was early for an appointment, I’ve sat in my car, opened my laptop, and started a new chapter. If we need to trek across town and my husband is driving, I’ll be typing. I do draw the line at writing and driving. I also don’t write longhand. I can, but I find the time I have to take to decipher it and type it up, is a waste. I really won’t get started unless I have my computer. Fortunately, I have one that’s easy to throw in my bag. It fits perfectly right beside my book.

What about you? Favorite place to read or write? What’s the most unusual place we might find you reading or writing?

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